dimanche 16 janvier 2011

Addiction based Funny Facebook Status Updates

  1. is huked on fonics.
  2. needs blood in his caffeine system
  3. is thinking about taking up golf to cure his sex addiction...  If it worked for Tiger...
  4. thinks reality is a crutch for people who can’t handle drugs.
  5. thinks he might be addicted to Facebook because he's seeing a lot of random people around the city, that he's already seen on Facebook.
  6. would quit smoking but it's better that I smoke this and let the dreams of the cigarette workers come true then to be selfish & worry about my lungs
  7. thinks he might be addicted to twitter and alcohol since, he created a Twitter acccount just to follow the updates of various bars for their specials
  8. might be addicted to eBay considering he just spent 6 hours trying to burn the face of Jesus into his toast
  9. thinks cocaine is a good way of telling you that you make too much money
  10. loves cooking with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.

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