samedi 15 janvier 2011

Funny News Related Facebook Status Updates


  1. too is being recalled by Toyota
  2. is thinking it's a good thing the car bomb in Times Square was in a Nissan Pathfinder...  Just imagine if it were in a Toyota...
  3. is rushing to KFC to get a Double Down Combo...  Fries, Drink and a Defibrilator.
  4. is spewing hot volcanic ashes
  5. is pissed at Jay Leno for taking his job.
  6. is status-free
  7. thinks it's a BIG F*#!'n deal!
  8. is not buying an iPad.  Period.
  9. just wanted to let you know that you are my BFBFF...  Best Facebook Friend Forever...
  10. just heard that apparently the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is so big that Sarah Palin can see it from her house.

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