dimanche 16 janvier 2011

Funny Earth Hour Facebook Status Updates

Al Gore...
  1. has said it before. Earth Hour, Earth Hour and a Half, whatever it takes.
  2. is making smores during Earth Hour.  Did you know that smores are actually named after the arch-demon S'morax, Satan's top chef.
  3. In order to read without electricity during earth hour, I'm keeping this tire fire going all day.
  4. says no Earth Hour for me! I got my fill of pointless symbolic gestures by communicating in sign language with my toaster.
  5. I'm sorry earth hour. I'm gonna be watching March Madness during that time. I'll make up for it by sleeping an extra hour tonight.
  6. says it's Earth Hour and has shut off all his electronic devices.  Oh crap, this tweet is on his BlackBerry.
  7. Earth Hour...  Apple claims it's actually iEarth Hour and that this too is another one of their innovations...
  8. Earth Hour?  You guys are pronouncing it wrong... It's actually pronounced... Happy Hour...

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